Playing with the idea of solid state amps

After many years of tube amps (mostly SET and OTL). I'm wanting a solid state amp to try again. Must be transparent. The amps I'm considering are Sim Audio W-5LE,Ayre V5XE,Blue Circle BC-8,McCormack DNA 500,and Pass Labs X250.5. May consider hybrids such as Monarchy Audio. Anybody with experience with the above mentioned amps or some other great amps your input will be much appreciated. My system is a Droplet player, Oskar Heil Kithara speakers,Modwright SE9 preamp. Thanks!
Also throw on the heap a BAT vk-250 or vk600(se). I have a vk-250 and love it. Make sure when you listen to a unit that has ALLOT of breakin.
Philefreak, I have listened to the Ayre and McCormack which are quite good, but I think the Pass Labs-X250.5 is even better sounding. I wrote a review on my Pass Labs-350.5 which will give you more details regarding the sonics of the X.5 series you might find helpful. Many "tube" guys I know love the X.5 amps because they have the musicality/warmth of tubes with the power and dynamics of SS. Hope this helps.
Since you are willing to tolerate transistors, why not go all the way and try a digital amp?
I have to say McIntosh Solid State amps are so good you may wonder if there are tubes in the box. Take a listen when you get a chance.

A Plinius amp purchased two months four months ago has made me not really miss my tube amps (mostly SETs) of the last 19 years. Just last night I was marvelling at the sheer musicality of the SA-50 MKIII and the fact that I have no desire to get back to a tube amp any time soon. However, I do have a Joule Electra LA-150 II pre-amp which I think is beautifully musical, and also have Harbeth speakers which need quite a bit of drive.

On the other hand, I do miss seeing the glowing tubes and even looking at the trannies. And I've got a flawless Ait Tight ATM300 just setting here looking gorgeous. I can't seem to get up the nerve to place it on the market.