Playing with two sets of speakers simultaneoulsy

I know it's blasphemy but I have been playing around with adding a second pair of speakers and found it to my liking. Using the woofers only on my 1.6qr and sitting right next to my proac D30R's, I have found that the sound is fuller and more expansive, making orchestral music more live like.  Both speakers have their own power amp and volume control which allows me to play with different ratios though I find it best with Proac's as primary and the Maggie's just adding a little to the mid bass to be ideal. Imaging doesn't seem to be affected and the the speakers can still play loud with less demand. WAF is low but the Maggie's are easy to move. I guess it's an alternative to large full range speakers. 
How far away are the Magnepans and the Proacs from your listening position? 
About 12 ft. Speakers about 10 ft apart from center to center roughly. Why do you ask?
About 12 ft. Speakers about 10 ft apart from center to center roughly. Why do you ask?
Sorry, I can’t remember now what I was thinking when I asked that. In any case I agree with raysmtb1 - more drivers more fun. The Maggies have some advantages in the range you are using them to complement the Proacs. It’d be interesting to see a frequency response plot at your listening position. I’m guessing it might be better than you’d get with just the Proacs running by themselves.
Yes, I do like the sound with the Maggie's especially with orchestral music. Don't know how to measure frequency response though. The far distance to the listening position allow the two speakers to act like one and not affect imaging while providing a more expansive soundstage. I've added a little subwoofer as well to provide even more impact.