Mahgister, "
We can correct anything in a room, even the worst position...But for
sure the speakers location distance MUST be precise... Othen than that,
even with one of my speaker pressed in a corner for example my imaging
is balanced.....
Time aligning can allow for differing distances and for precise balancing of when sound arrives to your ears. You can set gain so imaging is good but when you set time and gain you get balanced sound and more definition. I built a single fold horn with a 108" throat depth and dialing that in was a revelation. Some of my SMAHL and LMAHL tweeter buyers want free standing ones because they claim to be able to hear a difference in time alignment just by moving the tweeters across the top of the speaker cabinet. My hearing is not that acute so I take their word for it.
Time aligning can allow for differing distances and for precise balancing of when sound arrives to your ears. You can set gain so imaging is good but when you set time and gain you get balanced sound and more definition. I built a single fold horn with a 108" throat depth and dialing that in was a revelation. Some of my SMAHL and LMAHL tweeter buyers want free standing ones because they claim to be able to hear a difference in time alignment just by moving the tweeters across the top of the speaker cabinet. My hearing is not that acute so I take their word for it.