Please help a Novice

I have an old Technics 100W x 2 stereo receiver that I plan on upgrading in the near future (Christmas). For now I would like to buy a pair of speakers for music listening and watching a little tv in my bedroom. I want to know what would be some good entry-level speakers that would accommodate my needs. Lately, I have been leaning towards buying a pair of floor-standing speakers since space isn't a big issue and would like some more bottom end bass. I listen to all types of rock music from very easy listening to death metal. I am planning on going to a local audio store to listen to different speakers/brands to see what I like but would also like some advice from some of the experts here. Thanks
psb is the king of good sounding budget it bookshelf or floorstanders...i think you would be very happy...4t floorstander from a few years back was highly regarded...
When listened to several of the affordable/budget speaker brands I personally was not highly impressed with PSB. I'd look at Focal Chorus, B&W, Paradigm or Monitor Audio first, but I will admit that PSB wasn't a bad product, just my least favorite of what I heard.

What's the budget you're wanting to have? The term budget can be very different depending on the person. Some people think that my 3k speakers are budget speakers.

I think that Monitor Audio has a great product for the money.
I am willing to spend about $300-$500 right now. I figured Audiogon was the place to look for good quality used speakers rather than buying new speakers for more (and sometimes getting less). I'm 24 yrs old and just starting to get into higher end audio. I'm sure I will upgrade my system to something with true audiophile quality in the next 5 yrs.
For $300-$500 used, Triangle Titus, Magnepan mmg or Klipsch Heresy.

PSB is a pretty safe bet also.

You could also do a pair of OHM Walsh 2s or slightly bigger in that range if you were up to trying something completely different (omnis) with lots of cost effective upgrade potential down the road.
in that price range i would opt for used monitors...much easier to ship and cheaper too...psb stratus mini, castle richmonds, epos m5, are going to get a billion suggestions...but dont overdue it...just get on board with a good deal and enjoy