While I agree that a CD transport has the potential to create issues, you still have the price points to contend with. By the time you can actually achieve the sound quality that AMR CD-77 puts out, you'll easily surpass that seller's used price and probably be closer to the retail price. I know my streaming 'package' is above five figures once you factor in my networked music, and I don't consider that to be really high end either.
I will also admit that my fears have been that the software used might have a lot of bad influence on streaming devices. My point here is that theory vs. reality often produce different results and I've learned never to hold onto either one of them too hard. In each case there can be factors completely missed that change expectations tremendously. This is why I presented my experiences as such and have support from others whose ears I trust. I believe the theory that a file should be superior than a CD track, but for some reason that theory doesn't line up with my reality yet.
Reality beat theory when I showed at RMAF. I ended up having to use a CD transport 90% of the time because of the sonic differences, all other things being equal. The streamer and Cd transport were of similar build quality from the same company using the same cabling. I even paid about $300 extra for ancillary items/installation to ensure my streamer worked in the room and I begrudgingly had to all but give it up. This was not an isolated event either.
I am not here to ruffle feathers and would appreciate not being insinuated as a bold faced liar. My intent in this thread is to share my experiences and help the OP find a solution that fits HER needs and desires first and foremost. She has been provided a lot of food for thought and I hope she settles on what provides the best experience for her.
With sincerity,