I am actually glad I had a reason to engage in some conversation & advice about this that is such a passion for me..As a woman it's not that common to find comeraderie..It's been awhile that I have discovered what's going on "out there"..and the changes since I put together my system.. Thank you, everyone!
Although I am dizzied by too techy details, I do like to tinker..and I do enjoy a journey..and I especially enjoy finding a temporary "end.."Love of music is a singular activity in most ways yet sharing thoughts with kindred spirits is not that easy except in this kind of venue..
I plan on doing some serious reading about the sonic virtues of transport vs ripped/and or streaming. I will need to do some demo/listening to be convinced ...I do know that I could never totally give up my CD's..each one has it's own story and emotional memory.it's an attachment I can't imagine I would have with my computer based repertoire...(and that AMR CD-777 sure does look yummy)..Maybe I can tip-toe into the future and meanwhile still have the goosebumps I demand..
Although I am dizzied by too techy details, I do like to tinker..and I do enjoy a journey..and I especially enjoy finding a temporary "end.."Love of music is a singular activity in most ways yet sharing thoughts with kindred spirits is not that easy except in this kind of venue..
I plan on doing some serious reading about the sonic virtues of transport vs ripped/and or streaming. I will need to do some demo/listening to be convinced ...I do know that I could never totally give up my CD's..each one has it's own story and emotional memory.it's an attachment I can't imagine I would have with my computer based repertoire...(and that AMR CD-777 sure does look yummy)..Maybe I can tip-toe into the future and meanwhile still have the goosebumps I demand..