Please rate WATT/Puppy 7

How great is it?Is it musical? Classical music only. Lots of chamber.
thanks for your response. i heard the wp7 with transparent opus cables, 33h amps, i forget the cd player, a ml-32
preamp. the room has a nasty bass node that was not the fault of the speaker- i've heard it before with other speakers. the imaging was like 5 speakers spread out in a semi-circle- phenominal/eerie/etc. female vocals was good but my impression at the time was "not any better than what i already have". the dealer would have liked to conduct the audition with tube (vtl-wotan) amps, but i prefer solid-state. so, lot's of accuracy/resolution/some of the best imaging i've ever heard. and lot's of questions unanswered.
I just recently auditioned these speakers. They were set up with Transparent cabling and Krell electronics. I left that 2 hour session with these observations. I believe these speakers will sound their best with a world class tube amp. These speakers are fast, accurate, with wonderful bass, and dynamics. But, the 'Watt' portion of the speaker begs for tubes (IMHO) to give them that musical sweetness. Without that sort of amp, they can sound a bit sterile.
I just tried them. Great transiet details, deep bass, coherent, but only avg sound stage, and lack of mid range lucidity...a bit lean when I auditioned them w/ Spectrals. Probably wld be better w/ tubes. Personally, not my cup of tea though it could be yours.
I spent many hours listening to W/P7s on an all-tube setup (turntable, tube phono stage, tube preamp, tube monoblocks), and thought the combination sounded wonderful on good recordings, and brutal on mediocre recordings. When it came time to make my decision to buy, I had the dealer assemble the same equipment I have at home (tube phono stage, tube preamp, high-quality SS amp), and suddenly I couldn't stand the speakers anymore.

So, it seems to me that the people who are saying that the sound of the W/P7s are very equipment-dependent are spot-on.