Please simplify Disc Doctor Cleaner w/ VPI 16.5

I have gone through the direction pamphlet, and am not sure what method to use when cleaning w/ DD Miracle Cleaner in conjunction w/ a VPI 16.5 RCM. Here is my impression of what the procedure should be. 1) Use 1/4 tsp of diluted cleaner on a normal 12" LP. 2) spread cleaner w/ a DD brush, while your RCM platter is turning revolutions. 3) Change brush wand on your VPI to a new brush specifically for drying. 4) Use that new brush to vacuum cleaning solution off. 5)Use some distilled or purified H20, and distribute it using first (wet) VPI brush. Change VPI brush back to the drying brush, and Vac off the distilled H20.
***The part of this I may not have right is step 2. I wasn't sure if I should spread the Miracle Cleaner on the VPI while the platter is turning, or just on a flat surface.
Lastly, am I right in vacuuming off the DD cleaner before
adding the rinse H20.
Thanks ! I did buy two DD brushes, one to apply the Miracle cleaner, and the other to apply the rinse H20. I plan to label ea. Brush, So I don't mix them up. As I mentioned, I did get the extra VPI Vac wand + extra strips to replace the older felt on my current arm tube.I will give the DD a try, and see what the results are. Doug, what you mentioned about the DD stuff being tough to rinse seems to echo what others have said on older threads.FWIW, I have always used RRL, now MFSL one step w/ no rinsing.
I prefer to wash it manually using a dd brush, rinse manually using another dd brush, and only then put it on the vpi; that is, using the vpi only for final rinse or two with vacuum
Sounds like you are stuck in record cleaning hell. I suggest you buy a large bottle of Nitty Gritty Pure 2 and give the record a thorough one-step cleaning and vacuum. I think it works great on records without any unusual problems, which may require more specialized care.

There are those who prefer to spend more time cleaning than listening, which is fine - do whatever makes you happy. But if you actually enjoy music, try stepping back and starting over with a simplified procedure.
*I prefer to wash it manually using a dd brush, rinse manually using another dd brush, and only then put it on the vpi; that is, using the vpi only for final rinse or two with vacuum.
**Thanks, I was mainly trying to get an idea what the general preferance was.I figured some used the RCM, but others did it manually.

*Sounds like you are stuck in record cleaning hell.
** I just think if there are differences to be heard, it is worth the second step. At the same time, I don't want to get too crazy with it.