Plinius vs. McCormack

I have a pair of B&W speakers-CDM 9NTs. I'm looking at either the Plinius 8200P amp with a Plinius CD LAD preamp or a McCormack DNA225 amp with a McCormack RLD1 preamp. Any thoughts?
Ahh, Twl. C'mon now. Mgminc is just as entitled as the next guy to be wrong. I'm not going to say it, but if I did say Mgminc doesn't know what he speaketh, I'd know I'd be right, because otherwise I'd change my opinion. :)
Tim said it especially well, and I also agree with Twl and Stehno-- I'll just leave it at that too. Cheers Craig.
I'm sure Mgminc was just using a "play on words". I have a McCormack amp. However, I've not heard Plinius, I have heard the Adcoms. I think Stehno put it into perspective.

Sorry, Adiorio, we sometimes get off track. I searched high and low for a "sweet" amp and the McCormack did it for me. I did mate it with a very good tube pre. Perhaps an option you might explore.
I have a McCormack DNA-2 and use it with a TLC-1 deluxe or my RLD-1 and would highly recomend the McCormack. In my opinion they can't be beat for price to performance ratio.
I had a couple Adcoms and then moved up to the McCormack DNA-1 (for Thiel 2 2's). It was a HUGE improvement!

Sorry, can't comment on Plinius.