PMC MB2 vs Revel Salon 2 vs Dynaudio Sapphires

Which one is better? I want to upgrade my speakers and choose one of them. I love Jazz, Rock, and even Classical music. Please give me your opinion. thanks

Showing 1 response by chrissain

I love the fact that revel is so bashed on this site, Its almost like people are scared of big bad revel ! I am 36 years old but have been in this hobby for at least 18 years, have heard some of the most over priced " hi-end"
speakers out there, I have also worked at some of the best dealers in our state, And I can say that the revel solon
is by far ! the best speaker I have ever heard, it is simply amazing!! after listening to them I just cant understand what there is to not like ? I think that most who dont like them have hearing damage .I replaced my pmc ob1 speakers with revel f32s and sorry, the revels are better in every single way hands down. good luck from a happy revel owner !!!!!