Poor BASS with Dynavector XX2 +Sunilda + AudioNote

I recently bought a complete analogue set: Dynavector XX2 + DPS table with Reha RB300 arm + Prephono MM/MC Sunila (from Audio Valve). All of that connected to my Audio Note.
Tje results is fine (open, smooth, clear, depth ..) but lack of bass!! No sure if it is the prephono (I will change the 12AX7 by some NOS) or if is a mismatch between the cartridge and the arm ..

Any suggestion ?? Many thanks
I have an XX1-H and have also found that the VTA seems to be very sensitive. I think as you get into better cartridges the VTA becomes more and more critical and harder and harder to easily identify without an on-the-fly adjustor. Far more so than my old 20X-H.

I completely agree with Soliver - you should have hex set-screw in place. Willi
(the DPS designer) makes a special one that has a flattened ball-point so that
the threads of the Rega arm are not damaged. For other arms (e.g. the
Schroeder No.2 arm) that one should be exchanged for a ball point hex screw.

I prefer the set-screw method combined with deck of cards (that you slide
between arm post and plinth to measure height and remove after set-up) to the
other Rega methods for VTA adjustment.
Ouah ... I'm impressed !

Many thanks for your valuable input. I will check that this week end (I am on business trip this week) and will let you know early next week if this has changed my life ....

BTW I do not have any doc on the DPS ... Is some one has an electronic copy he can send it to my email on stelma@sfr.fr

Many thanks again ...!!

Last week end, I have checked ... and hourra I founded the hole to tweak my VTA .. And the results was GREAT!! more basses and the sound still warm and charming !!!

I also tried with a prepre Acuphase C7 ... and it was even better !!! It means more basses, more volume .......

I will continue my investigations ... and update you later on !!!

MANY THANKS to all of you for your recoomendations.
Great to hear things have improved with something as "simple" as VTA adjustment ;) Try to play around with different VTA settings and keep track of it using a stack of cards. A change in as much the thinkness of a single card can make quite a bit of a difference for the Dyna XX_2. Good luck and enjoy!