Portal Audio Panache or Marantz PM8004

I'm simplifying my life and want an SS integrated amp an be done with it. If they can be found used, both can be had for around $800 used.

The Portal Audio is from the earlier 2000s while the Marantz is a current integrated. The Portal Audio has a passive preamp and no remote, while the Marantz is a full featured integrated w/ remote and phono. I can live with either.

What do you folks have to say about either integrated amp?
I have the Panache and think it sounds great, and do not miss the features at all. In addition, if you listen to headphones, the headphone jack on the Portal is connected to the main amp and is as good as many headphone amps selling for the price of the Panache.
Those are some mighty fine testimonials. It looks like I will be patient and see what the used market produces. Thanks all!
I owned the Portal Panache a few years ago and really enjoyed it. Bought it here when I was the only bidder so I can say it was an accidental purchase. At the time I was using a Classe CAP151 and after a couple weeks with the Panache the Classe was sold. The Panache was much better IMO. Very warm and inviting sound.
Ultimately though, I am too lazy to live without remote so I sold it. There are other amps out there with a similar, warm sound you may consider. The Unison Research Unico comes to mind.
I also owned a Portal Panache for a while a few years ago and liked it very much. It does not have the detail and refinement of the best gear, but it has coherence, drive, and a pure, direct sound that I liked very much. Stunningly good headphone amp, as someone noted above.

As you probably know, Nelson Pass was supposedly involved in the design.
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