Positioning Vandersteens

I purchased a pair of Vandersteen 1ci in July.

Those familiar with this brand know about the sweet spot.

I find my speakers sound better - much better - when I stand up.

Any suggestions as to how to move that sweet spot down to seated level?
I have owned the 2c and 3a. You should tilt them back. You can place something like a book and place it under the front until they sound right. Take a look at the owners manual and you will get a better explanation of correct placement!
Thanks yogiboy zavato

I have read the manual and my speakers are on Vandersteen stands that tilt them back.

Raising  the front would move the sweetspot further up. I need to raise the back of the speakers, which didn't occur to me. 
Or lower the front, it might be easier depending on how the stands work. Worst case, you could always consider a higher seat. A pillow or two would let you test that theory before wasting any money. Cheers,