Power Amp..opinions please

Hi All,
I am looking for a power amp (mono or stereo) to go with my Promitheus Reference C-Core TVC. Till some time back I was leaning towards the Wyred 4 Sound's SX-1000 monos. But as I read the net, I found people mentioning that the initial impressions of class D are detailed sound, neutrality, "true to original" etc. 10audio also has a great review about the wyred4Sound amp. At one point I was considering the RWA Sig 30.2 amps, as 6moons had a glowing review for these. Later I decided that they will not be enough for my average efficiency speakers.
Now I also read from others threads that as time goes by Class D becomes boring, no tone, etc, etc. I am a bit confused now and cannot decide which way to go. There is no dealer nearby that I can go to and listen to a Class D. So I also started to look at used Bryston, Parasound, Pass, McIntosh, Ayre, etc.
Can you please provide your experiences with Class D VS Class AB amps? Please do not suggest tubes. I would be using the amps with a Marantz SA-8260 CD player, Promitheus TVC and Quad 21L speakers. The cabling is Signal Cable through out. Currently using the NAD C352 integrated amp as power amp, but want to explore and experience a bit more high-end sound. A constructive thread with opinions (rather than mine is better than yours) will be highly appreciated and valuable to the forum.
Thanks much in advance.
I've owned several Rotel amps, B&K and Classe amps of mid 1990s mintage, and SUMO Polaris and Andromeda II. Of these, I thought the Andromeda II (240W into 8 ohms; 400W into 4 ohms; 80 Amps peak)best, having a warmish sound for SS and a sweet top though the bottom end was a bit soft and ill-defined. The Wyred4Sound amp sounds very similar to the Sumo, but the bottom end is now completely fleshed out and solid and defined. I hear subsonic info that was barely discernable before. The top end is sweet like the Sumo but is more pure and detailed. I am driving Ohm Walsh 5 (Mk III) which have a moderate 87 SPL and like a lot of current. The Wyred4Sound ST-1000 is the first amp to truly push the Walshs to their full measure of output, and then some!
Thanks for your inputs. I like the warm sound of the NADs and I am looking for amps which will retain that character. To give you an example - when I was auditioning integrated amps 4 years back, I found the NAD to be warm while the Rotels were cold (not in a offensive way) and too forward for my taste. The Rotels had an "in the face" presentation while the NADs had a laid back presentation.
I was initially drawn to the power ratings of the Wyred4sound SX-1000, as the Quads like some more power than what they get now. But looks like it's input sensitivity is a bit high - greater than 2.5V which might prove to be a mismatch for my (passive preamp) TVC. What preamp do you have in your system?
My preamp is a vintage Pioneer Elite SP-99D preamp/processor. It is an active unit which I believe puts out more than 5V at max. I never have the volume dial past 11 o'clock and that is for low-level classical CDs. I believe the sensitivity of 2.5V on the W4S is for maximum power output - you'll never need anything close to this under normal use I think.
Your last statement is interesting. Do you mean the sensitivity of the amp shows how much volts a amp should get to output the full power? Or is it what is required to drive the amp comfortably? My CDP outputs 2V. So what does a TVC do with that and how many volts gets passed on to the power amp? I thought the TVC "gains" and passes on. Do you have any info on this?

Yes, sensitivitity is defined as voltage input to drive power amp to maximum output. A passive preamp and CD source outputtind standard 2V should drive the W4S amp to very satisfying levels.