Power Amp suggestions in $2000 range ?

I have a nice sounding VAC vintage linestage and B&W matrix 805 speakers and HSU sub. My current power amp is an ancient harmankardon hk870, and everything is hooked up via Kimber PBJ's and zu speaker cables. The system sounds pretty sweet, with a nice wide soundstage but tends to become somewhat harsh and raspy, when I turn it up. I think it might be time to say goodbye to the power amp.

Does anyone have suggestions in the $2000 range (new or used)

There is a lot of choice in the sub $2000 category. Assuming that you are willing to buy used and want to go for a smooth solid state amp, I would recommend something like Conrad Johnson MF-2500A or any of the Aloia amps. The 13.01 is very sweet and rich sounding, almost tube like, but at the same time exhibits great slam and dynamics. Don't be fooled by the 30 watt power rating. This amp is a monster and will certainly drive your 805's with no sweat.
There is a Blue Circle BC2 on Agon right now, it is killer!!! With the right 6sn7 driver, it really is magic. Listening to my pair right now has me - I can't even put into words how this amp (with Merlin speakers) really puts a smile on my face, has my feet dancing, and chair rocking on 2 and 4.

Check out Bob Neill's reviews on the BC2, as he had B&W Nautilis 805. Magic. Steel of a deal too, as you would have to spend SERIOUSLY more $$ to better it (and then it is really only a matter of taste, not neccessarily a "upgrade")I think you could drop it right into your system as is and rock on!