Power Cable for PS Audio Stellar Phono Stage

What power cords are you using with this phono stage?  The user manual suggests a Perfectwave power cable, which would be the AudioQuest Thunder, although the recommended pc for the Stellar series is the AudioQuest Monsoon.  Would appreciate thoughts on those two choices.  Would also appreciate suggestions outside of AudioQuest, which is a brand I don’t really have much experience with.




+1 for Zavfino

  • Made with UP-OCC copper - very dynamic and detailed
  • has a low noise floor  perfect for phono stage
  • has a well thought out cable geometry - not your normal PC's
  • uses good plugs

These are GREAT bang for the buck

Regards - Steve

@dkidknow I believe the Zavfino power cords are very well made (check out their website for further details) and will work well on the PS Audio Stellar Phono.

Also, check out the links I'll list below and read them.

I don't own the PS Audio Stellar Phono but I believe my suggestion will work.

Paul of PS Audio used a lot of the Audioquest products, if I was a personal friend of Audioquest I might use their products also with the friend discount that I'll bet exists (no disrespect intended).


glennewdick, from what I'm reading on the PS Audio site, they no longer manufacture power cables and only list Audioquest cables in their cables products section.  I was shocked.  Maybe I'm just not finding their own cable offerings?

why not PS audio power cords?

 PS audio recommending another manufactures power cable that's strangely fantastic.

Thanks Lak.  Is this a brand you've used with the PS Audio Stellar Phono?  What makes it especially suited to this application?

Which ever one of these power cords thats in your price range. Check the Zavfinousa power cord site selection.