Power conditioner help

Hi All,

 Posting this here since there is no section devoted to power products. I also posted it in the miscellaneous section. 

If you had a choice between PS Audio P10 power plant and a Transparent Powerisolator Reference, which would you choose and why? Both available at reasonable prices, though P10 is still quite a bit more. I have a pretty high end system with a Musical Fidelity NuVista 800 integrated amp, NuVista CD (the new one), Scoutmaster turntable, SDS/ADS, Herron VTPH2, Wilson Sashas, and all Transparent Ref MM2 cables. System sounds great, but my present Powerbank 8 is quite old now, so I want to upgrade it.

Thanks for your opinions.
Any PC that doesn’t regenerate the AC wave form is a waste of time and money IMO. I wouldn’t run my systems without PS Audio AC regenerators and have been using them since 2000 when I first bought the original model to plug my sources and preamp into. They make a huge improvement in soundstage and reduced noise. In fact I will go so far to say that, if you have invested considerable coin in a quality audio system and you're not using one of these, you are in denial as to what your system can really do.
I recently brought in the Audioquest Niagra power conditioner for our dealership demo system here in NYC.  

If you want to contact me I can tell you more about why I chose that power conditioner over others after extensively reviewing the options.


If you want to contact me I can tell you more about why I chose that power conditioner over others after extensively reviewing the options.
Why not please share that info with the entire forum? Isn't that what these forums are for?

@arsh - I just read a bit more.  I see now that you like to plug your integrated straight into the wall.  I don't think you need a P10 just for all the source equipment, a P5 would do just fine.

Also, I would get rid of that Hubbell outlet and replace it with something like a Furutech.  The Hubbell's are made from brass elements and this presents a shouty and sterile sonic signature.  I'd go for a Furutech FPX or GTX (either un-plated copper or rhodium plated).