Power conditioner vs use of a audio grade outlet?

If I have a $7000 Power conditioner and really nice power cables is there a need for audio grade outlet? Maybe it's a dumb question but if I didn't have this other good stuff maybe I should get an audio grade outlet.

Pangea seems to offer a good outlet for about 100 bucks. 


@immatthewj - In the US, all 120V/15A duplex outlets are safe and listed for 20 A breakers. :)

It’s an oddity of the NEC that, because you often have 3-4 outlets on 1 circuit they allow for 20A circuits assuming you’ll connect multiple medium draw (i.e. < 15A) devices there. Do a little digging on the web for more explanations.

However, if you have a single device which requires the 20A, T shaped plug, this is the wrong outlet.

As a side note, for this reason some manufacturers use exactly the same metal behind the face plate for their 15A and 20A outlets , including the T shaped hot. You can’t see it without disassembling the unit though. See if you can find some outlet comparisons on Youtube where they take them apart.

unless you have dedicated 10ga from incoming to your stereo wall, so basic 16ga in your house ran in hundreds and hundreds of feet through conduit, romex, whatever, a single outlet fed by 16 ga will make instruments float around the room, so it sounds like a choir of heavenly angels in perfect harmony?

