Power cord for Mcintosh amp

I have a Mcintosh MC2500 power amp ( 500watts )! I looking for a power cord for this fellow! Would love to hear from all Mcintosh users on your opinion and what power cord you use with your Mc amps!
Those who use other amps but have something to share, I will be glad to hear from you, too!
Thanks in advance!
check out the granite audio #560 power amp ac cord .they are avaliable in 5ft and 8 ft lengths..it can be seen on our showcase on audiogon or at www.graniteaudio.com ... it has been reviewed on av science forum
they are even avaliable as an in home trail program
any questions please get in touch

good listening
I have used many with McIntosh Amps - my two favorite thus far have been the ElectraGlide FatMan and Cardas Golden. The FatMan added a great amount of detail and tight bass, while the Cardas Golden seemed to soften the sound and rounded out the bass. They were nearly opposite each other in performance yet both were enjoyable.

I am looking forward to try an Acoustic Zen Krakatoa power cord since other Acoustic Zen cables (Silver Reference Interconnects & Hologram Speaker Wire) are the best for McIntosh I have ever heard.