Jeff have you ever tried any of the things Bradluke is talking about?
I would agree that if you haven't, then this is all voodoo to you.
You'll never hear a difference a quality power cord makes, until you try several of them.
And casual listening isn't going to cut it.
I am sure Jeff is not a casual, passive audio enthusiast.
You need to go old school, which is not in fashion anymore regrettably.
Audio today is all about the music and not the gear, yet how often is the music second fiddle to multi tasking?
Musak comes to mind.
Just a pleasant background to life's more important endeavours.
When someone posts that he made an improvement by doing this or that,it means to me that he is more than a music loving,albeit, background music loving, individual.
He is involved in the hobby, and is trying to find ways to further improve his listening pleasure, which he takes quite seriously, in my opinion.( I could have used IMOP, but I'm old school).
How can it be all about the music, if you are only willing to go just so far?Which saddly for most in this hobby is just turning the power on and running stock.
Maybe it's just me, but I can't find the sense in investing large amounts of money in music software, and then scrimp on the hardware to play it back on.
Somehow to me that defeats the "it's all about the music" concept.
Because without paying attention to quality gear and using aftermarket upgrades to improve the gear,the music suffers.
But, you have to be more than a music loving casual listener.
It has to be more than just about the music.
It has to be how the music reacts to the gear it is being played thru.
What good is thousands of dollars of recordings if the sound is sub standard because the gear is looked down upon?
Gearheads, as those who are chasing after the illusive audio perfection are often referred to,may have less invested in software, but they mostly enjoy more of the music that is on the recordings they own.
In other words, they are getting ,perhaps 30% more of the music they have paid for than the folks who settle for less when it comes to putting together a decent audio system.
I've always felt that until I get my system to the highest performance ,the music will suffer.If I have 9000 less lp's than the music lover so be it,it's how great the 1000 lp's that I own sound that matters most to me.
But I am old school.
I would agree that if you haven't, then this is all voodoo to you.
You'll never hear a difference a quality power cord makes, until you try several of them.
And casual listening isn't going to cut it.
I am sure Jeff is not a casual, passive audio enthusiast.
You need to go old school, which is not in fashion anymore regrettably.
Audio today is all about the music and not the gear, yet how often is the music second fiddle to multi tasking?
Musak comes to mind.
Just a pleasant background to life's more important endeavours.
When someone posts that he made an improvement by doing this or that,it means to me that he is more than a music loving,albeit, background music loving, individual.
He is involved in the hobby, and is trying to find ways to further improve his listening pleasure, which he takes quite seriously, in my opinion.( I could have used IMOP, but I'm old school).
How can it be all about the music, if you are only willing to go just so far?Which saddly for most in this hobby is just turning the power on and running stock.
Maybe it's just me, but I can't find the sense in investing large amounts of money in music software, and then scrimp on the hardware to play it back on.
Somehow to me that defeats the "it's all about the music" concept.
Because without paying attention to quality gear and using aftermarket upgrades to improve the gear,the music suffers.
But, you have to be more than a music loving casual listener.
It has to be more than just about the music.
It has to be how the music reacts to the gear it is being played thru.
What good is thousands of dollars of recordings if the sound is sub standard because the gear is looked down upon?
Gearheads, as those who are chasing after the illusive audio perfection are often referred to,may have less invested in software, but they mostly enjoy more of the music that is on the recordings they own.
In other words, they are getting ,perhaps 30% more of the music they have paid for than the folks who settle for less when it comes to putting together a decent audio system.
I've always felt that until I get my system to the highest performance ,the music will suffer.If I have 9000 less lp's than the music lover so be it,it's how great the 1000 lp's that I own sound that matters most to me.
But I am old school.