Power Cord for Power Conditioner

I'm trying to figure out if it is absolutely necessary to use a company's power cord with their power conditioners. No brand in particular.Any help would be appreciated.
thanks in advance,
Hi all ! A few things are certain , cables sound different when the direction is changed . Cables sound different with elevators and with different elevator spacing (due to string resonance ). I you cant hear this then it does not matter what methods are used . Sorry for being so blunt but I am quite tired of hearing about how wires dont have a sound . Many of us can hear it and many of us cant , just the way it us .
More can hear the differnces than not. I really wish I could not have heard the improvements. That would have saved me a bundle.
A few years ago, I participated in a DBT of power cords with a bunch of folks. I failed miserably and I think everyone else did also. Did that stop us from buying expensive power cords? Of course not! We shook it off. Audiophilia is about faith and hope, not evidence. :)
Hi all ! lots of great input here , we all dont have to agree ! To me , listening is a learned skill . Think of it this way...ever seen the show Chasing Classic Cars ? The dude looks at different cars and he sees things we dont see . Steering wheel not original , flaws in paint , etc . He is seeing stuff we would never see ( or notice ). Listening is the same , it is a learned skill , just like anything else . There was a time when I could not hear the difference between Linn and Rotel CD players . I was listening to the highs , the lows , etc . Finally the sales guys says " dont worry about that stuff ..how does the music FEEL ? Learned a lot that day !