Power cord replacement suggestions

If i were to delve into the fanatic behavior of replacing power cords, is there some concensus on where the most impact would be gained, whether on source, pre, or amp, or is it just different for every system and need to experiment. Thanks for any advice.

@nutty, I tried on my previous DK Design VS1 MKII and my current amp, Audio Analogue Maestro Settanta (70). The Blue Heaven did have any effect on either of the integrateds
Manufacturers do not advise to change power cords.  They already had thought about it while designing, listening, showing, and selling the product.  Rest assure, they would not compromise their product over a stupid power cord.  If they could make it sound better with a special power cord, they would.

Why don't they still hardwire? They know we are going to throw away the power cords that come with their products, and add ours, so why would they jack up their cost.

A few manufactures do sell cords with their products. Shindo and Merrill Audio come to mind.

If you study the pricing of certain cords you can buy the best cords to see what they have to offer and resell at a gain. The best I have heard were Elrod, Ch Acoustic, and High Fidelity. l think Lak has heard these cords and likes the ones he recommended better. Very good recommendation.

 Hope the OP lets us know what he thinks, even if he can't hear anything different. The lucky ones don't.

@chrisr  Some manufacturers DO recommend aftermarket power cords.  I received such a recommendation within the last couple of weeks from a well known audio manufacturer. Your statement is a bit too general. 

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