Power cords at ridiculous prices?

Seems to me there's no shortage of "black magic" out there, people spending $1000 on power cords? If the equipment you own is well designed with hefty power supplies and adequate capacitive filtering on-board, the grunge from the AC lines will be dealt with. I'm not discounting upgrading stock cords with something of a little better quality, but it seems to me spending the equivalent of a mortgage payment, on a piece of wire, makes us audiophiles the subject of ridicule by any reasonable person. Okay, I'll stand back now and take my lumps....

Showing 3 responses by mikirob

The joke might be on you. It's likely the recordings you listen to came from a mike attached to a  Belden 8402 microphone cable through to a recording studio that used it or Mogami to lay it all down. Plus there are an awful of folks in the audiophile world better qualified than you using it as well as recording professionals and musicians. Best, Rob

agree with you...just getting a lay of the land...what opinions out there; and I can do as you said with Western Electric WE10ga stranded tinned copper terminated with Furutech f11 for about $100 total. Amazing! Best, Rob