Hi Jeffloistarca!If you have tested and identified a powercord of a certain brand for ex(shunyata, purist audio design, transparent etc etc...)that matches in an specific equipment, then the cable up in the line will perform neccesary better than the ones down in the line.So the question is how much is the amount of money are you able to spend in a power cord??....That depends on the importance you give it to the sound results, compared to your pockets.IMHO there should be a balance between cost and result.Anyway I would choose first the equipments I want to keep in my system, and then upgrading little by little with better powercords.Normally entry level powercords from renowned brands as Shunyata, Purist Transparent and others, have a very good result and doesn´t cost a fortune.Then if you are tempted to go up in the line ,is just up to you.Everyone has its own limits and take decisions accordingly.Cheers!Raf.
Power cords at ridiculous prices?
Seems to me there's no shortage of "black magic" out there, people spending $1000 on power cords? If the equipment you own is well designed with hefty power supplies and adequate capacitive filtering on-board, the grunge from the AC lines will be dealt with. I'm not discounting upgrading stock cords with something of a little better quality, but it seems to me spending the equivalent of a mortgage payment, on a piece of wire, makes us audiophiles the subject of ridicule by any reasonable person. Okay, I'll stand back now and take my lumps....