Powercords for Krell 400xi ?

I'm looking for an improvement in depth, bass and lower floor noise. One's that I've considered are PS Audio, Blue Circle B62, Moray James, Micheal Wolff Gain. The Krell is already quiet but if at possible I'd like an even blacker background.

I have heard that an Elrod, DCCA or Electraglide would make the biggest impact,

can a PS Audio or Blue Circle give you most of what the big boy's give or do you really have the spend the extra dough?
You can get a used Elrod Statement here on Agon for less than the $1650 mentioned for the much lower quality Elrod EPS-3 Sig. You will probably be very impressed and never sell it. Overall sonics are just amazing, as is blackness of the background. A world-class cable for amps.
I was using Shunyata Anaconnda Alpha with my Krell. After trying many. Realy brings out the bass tonal quality. I mean, not just deep thump but clear smooth bass notes. Quite pleasing!
The Decca has been descibed as being very ridgid and hard to use.
After owning the Virtual Dynamics Master Power Cord , I avoid Extremly rigid Power cords . You may be able to have a straight shot to your outlet, I do not.