preamp choices under $1K ?

currently have a Cary Audio Cinema 11 that I use for music mainly.  nice pre but it always bugs me that I am running a processor when I just need a stereo + sub preamp. 

is there anything out there used I should look for? i know Marantz makes a stereo pre with preouts.  preouts are a must.
I don't have one, but many, many people would direct you toward Schiit. 15 day trial and reportedly a great company to deal with. Price/value under $1k would be hard to beat.
I would haunt the used gear ads. Looks to me like this pandemic is starting to squeeze some of us who've suddenly found ourselves over-leveraged. To coin a phrase.
I just saw an Audio Research SP-11 go on eBay for under $800.
You'd have to be looking for a sound that is pure sweetness.