Preamp recomendation

Looking for advise on a good preamp. Under $1000, solid state, at least treble and bass control capability, and a remote control. Am currently using a Yamaha cx-630 preamp, along with original Legacy focus speakers, Hafler 9300 power amp, Cambridge audio 840-Z c-d player, Morrow MA1.1 interconnects, and staightwire laser 8 speaker cable.

Thanks for checking this out GH

Showing 2 responses by pubul57

Though there groups of committed activists and pacifists, I will say that there are folks using passive that have made that choice coming from very expensive active line stages in the mid to high 4 figure range - for some, not active can beat a passive in the right system context (source - passive - cables - amp). I am a fairly committed pacifists at this point, for the past 3 years or so.

I use the $450 Lightspeed Attenuator, which I prefer to any of the resistor/TVC/AVC passives I have also tried - limit? one input / one output.
No. I think that question was raised in the Lightspeed thread, and it sounds to me that it cannot be done with LDR approach. The Endler/EVS approach is one for of passive I have not tried, though several users on the LSA thread have.