When you say that the gfp750 is bright, I take it that you were using it active. If so, that's why I recommend a passive unit. As for the dull sound running it passive, that's not always the case. The better the component, the better the output stage (usually). It's up to the amp in the source component to power the signal all the way to the amp. Your Cambridge 840 is a very well made CD player. Using that for your source, I can't see how you can go wrong with a passive. Also, you don't have to limit yourself to Adcom. The 750 is excellent but there are other companies that make passive preamps at a very reasonable prices, as well. I have used passives from Creek and Channel Islands with excellent results. I do prefer the Creek but both are great.
When you say that the gfp750 is bright, I take it that you were using it active. If so, that's why I recommend a passive unit. As for the dull sound running it passive, that's not always the case. The better the component, the better the output stage (usually). It's up to the amp in the source component to power the signal all the way to the amp. Your Cambridge 840 is a very well made CD player. Using that for your source, I can't see how you can go wrong with a passive. Also, you don't have to limit yourself to Adcom. The 750 is excellent but there are other companies that make passive preamps at a very reasonable prices, as well. I have used passives from Creek and Channel Islands with excellent results. I do prefer the Creek but both are great.