My system consists of the following:

1. Martin Logan Impressions 11A

2. Rogue RP-1 preamplifier

3. Lumin U@ mini streamer with Chord Qutest DAC.

4. Bryston 4B3 Cubed power amplifier

I just purchased the Bryston amplifier and it has brought my speakers to life. From dull and listless to vibrant and alive.

I would like to upgrade my preamp and my three choices are as follows:

1. Rogue Audio RP-9-tubes

2. Bryston BR-19 which is fully balanced.

3. Conrad Johnson ET6 or ET6SE

My cables are Cardas Clear Cygnus

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.



@audphile1 My suggestion to be made, and now one that is given a substantiation by your own report, is to seek out Valve Exchanges that are recognised to work very well with the RC1 Schematic.

I have had a experience on a few occasions doing this, and the end result was remarkable.

A $1600 Amp + $400ish in Exchange Valves, might just convince the Amp is worthwhile staying on with and keep $7K in reserve. 

I had a Rogue RP-5 preamp that I loved and used a set of Mullard tubes in the line stage. I had it for 3 years until I went with a McIntosh based system.

I might suggest an old school cj preamp, I haven't heard their latest.  Very juicy, seductive and great sound stage.  Not neutral.

I've had both CJ and Bryston equipment. Both were excellent!


Bryston has exceptional build quality and clarity/transparency of sound, CJ sounds warm). I would prick my preference from these. 

As for the suggestion of Boulder, I would pick Bryston over Boulder... Which I did.

Try the Benchmark LA4 preamp. great reviews and I own 1 also.

You might also want to try the Denafrips Hades which I also own and they both sound great, both use relay based volume controls which is the way to go.