Preamps waste of money?

I've been forced to reevaluate the role of preamps. The best sound I have achieved is result of adding a stepped resistor volume control at the input stage inside of my tube amp. All other options I have tried or auditioned including both active and passive volume control(autoformer and LDRs)have "colored" the sound in one way or the other to an unacceptable degree compared the stepped attenuator at the input. Has anyone had similar experience?
Your case is one of a line of particular cases where you have sufficient input sensitivity for the rated output power and sufficient high input impedance.
In many other cases preamp might be a necessary component.
Try out simple active preamp with low gain instead of your resistor such as McCormack or Wyred4Sound and you may realize the improvement since you will regulate output voltage rather than output impedance of your passive component.
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It`s rare when a resistor based VC is found to be less colored than LDR or transformer VC.Usually it`s the other way around.Resistors are said to have more of a signature according to many who`ve compared different types.There`ll always be exceptions to any generalization and each system is unique in terms of outcome.