Preamps with Berning ZH570

I've heard about great synergy with First Sound, Supratek and Joule Electra. Anyone audition the Lamm LL2 with this amp? what other tubed preamps did you try and what were your impressions? thanks - Art
HI Artg: " Of the preamps You've mentioned. I've heard and recommended the First Sound Linestage (LS) One Mk.2 to about 3 friends, which ended up being owners. I've heard this Pre w/ Symphonic Line Rg 1 & 5's / Densen DM10 / Quicksilver Silver 60's / Audio Prism Debut MK.2 & Music Reference RM 9 MK. 2. And in each & every System....................., It JUST CLICKED. This is one of the best Preamps, I've ever listened too PERIOD. Clearly better then the Audible Illusions M3a's & Quicksilver preamps. Also more refined then any of the older Coounterpoints' , Audio Researchs' & Conrad-Johnsons', I've heard. If You have the opportunity too buy One..........., DON'T SLEEP. It's that good. ( Lots to offer, for the money.) The only place to go after this to my ears is still either a CAT SL-1 Ultimate ,or the Aesthetix Callisto or Calypso Linestages. I first heard this Preamp circa 1997. In a system that consisted of either a Cec TL ONE or Wadia WT 2000 CDTransports w/ Timbre Dac.MK 2 (wired w/ Nordort MoonGlo Digital Cable) & VTL 250 Monos' w/ Avalon Eclipse LS. Wired w/ Sonoran Cables. This was at a Friends home. In a room of about 18'W. x 27'L & 15'H. Needless to say, It's a sound in which I've never 4gotten."