Prima Luna vs jolida

I am looking at upgrading from my aging b&k ex442 to mono blocks. Iam considering the prima Luna prologue 6 or the new jolida 502p which can be bridged and two run as mono blocks. What I like about the jolida is being able to buy one at a time. Just curious as to opinions. Fwiw I am running a set of gallo 3.5, audible illusions pre and Cary cdp. I like the less grainy/brightness of the b&k compared to the adcom that I had prior. But that is the only other amp I have tried in my system.
Hi 2out2sea

Does the Tung Sol KT-120 factor into your decision? The Jolida 502P can run the Tung Sol KT-120 tubes with no problems whatsoever. I'm not sure if the Prima Luna will. I've run the Tung SOl KT-120s in my Jolida 502P and so have other members here. I just use a single Jolida 502P in stereo mode with a Kavent S-33 solid state preamp. I've never experienced glare, graininess or brightness with the 502P with any tubes. The only time I had an issue with sound being dull was when I had JJ 5751s paired with the Tung Sol KT120s. That was remedied by placing Preferred 7025 tubes in place of the 5751s.

One local audiophile by me feels Prima Luna is above Jolida and is a step up in performance. I really haven't felt the need to replace the 502P I have though. The speakers I'ved used with the 502P are KEF Q300s, B&W Matrix 805s and KEF 104/2s.
Primaluna run the KT120s with no problem. I have them, sound excellent. I believe the Primluna is the better product, better build, sounds great, auto bias, plus many other outstanding virtues. A huge thunderstorm hit the other day and blew my power conditioner, yet the Primaluna sailed on unscathed. Yet I still like Jolida products, great bang for the bucks.
Although I rarely mention my fabulous Jolida 502p (!), I have to say my "factory modded/upgraded" (100 bucks extra) version is a quiet and powerful GREAT sounding amp. I've taken it apart and its build quality is clean, and I've never read a direct comparison review with Prima Luna so I have no clue if anybody thinks Prima Lunas sound better based on actual listening. They're similar designs with Prima Luna using an "auto bias" circuit and Jolida using an "ez bias" that the designer thinks is a better idea, although I doubt that makes much difference other than adding some convenience. They certainly cost more though, perhaps to justify the mountains of hype and advertising. Try to find a recent Jolida 502p review or an advertisement and you'll struggle...the perception of Prima Luna being a "step up" so far seems based on hype (and MUST be better if it costs twice as much), and I bet 2 502s run mono for 120 watts per side will stand up to most any non-premium cost amp rig, at least in power output and at less than the cost of one 42 watt stereo Prima Luna. I also like the Jolida XLR inputs that Prima Luna lacks. Kt120s work fine in a 502p, and Prima Lunas will run most anything within reason, albeit with less power output than a comparable Jolida (another difference is the triode/ultralinear switching that Jolida ignores...that alone could justify the higher price for some). Kevin Deal does a great job hyping Prima Luna and they seem like a really sweet line of amps...nobody hypes Jolida except me...and Jedinite...and maybe somebody else, but certainly not Jolida unless you call 'em. Also, Jason Statham bought an amp from Jared at Jolida...that means something, doesn't it?