Proac Super Tablette

Any of you heard these speakers? I'm thinking of picking a pair up. Just wanting to get some input.
Search the forums and the internet in general. There is plenty of info. and opinions.
I own two pairs, great sound, great value in the used market. However, since these speakers are on the elderly side, condition is everything. So, make any sale conditioned on your inspection and test when received.
Actually, Roxy, there really isn't much talk about them in the forums here. Only a few threads mention them but don't really give a good, in depth review of them. I don't care so much what non audiophiles think of them, so the web's oppinion doesn't matter; the "web" gives bose high ratings. I can also get a pair of nht classic three's for the same money and may do that instead as they got really favorable reviews and I could see myself replacing my studio 20's with the threes, where as the tablettes may just become a second system. I had my heart set on a pair of opera platea's but I didn't have the funds for them, which was a total drag.
I had a set of tablettes and really liked them. I had a few other Proacs and the tablettes were not of the proac house sound. The were different. They had a good vibe and I thought they made great sound for the 500 or so I paid used. Personally though I think the dynaudio audience 42 at around the same price are far more appealing. After owning 4 pairs of Proacs I came to realize I am not a proac guy but I do think the tablette is pretty good for the money
I don't think you can go wrong with the Proac's. I've had a couple pairs myself. If it were me, I would go with the Proac's and not the NHT. Another brand of speakers you may want to consider is Spendor. They're excellent as well.