Problem of an infrared remote affecting two components at same time
I could use the help of people here who may have run into this problem.
I have a Logitech programmable infra-red remote which is set of control the volume and input selection of my integrated amp (Primare I-15), but at the same time, changing its source selection seems to also trigger a change of source from my DAC (RME ADI). The volume control on the DAC can be set to be fixed, so that the remote signal meant for the amp does not trigger a movement. But I cannot do that to the digital source selection on the DAC.
I cannot find the receiving port on the RME unit, perhaps it is part of the little display window. But if I could find it, is it possible to take electrical tape or lead tape to cover the receiving eye of the unit, so that infrared signal gets blocked?
So many pieces of gear have remotes nowadays, these conflicts may have happened to others here, and hopefully people can share how to deal with the issue.