chorus, some good info supplied and also some not so good. There appears to be a means of adjusting the overall balance of sound with jumpers and something there might be the cause of your problem. What is not the cause is break-in. Initially the components may sound a little off but will not be responsible for lack of top end, something else is.
I agree with the suggestions to contact the supplier. If you were supplied a bag of parts he should provide after sales assistance. Measuring 1 ohm is wrong with a Tannoy. I suspect an error.
An XO rebuilt should immediately sound better than before if properly done and then will improve a little over time. Generally this involves not changing the circuit's component values, simply replacing the parts. I have upgraded many XOs from a variety of speakers and the results have always been great.
I can get as technical as you like but without before and after schematics it's guesswork.
erik squires warns against capacitor ESR (equivalent series resistance) and says it can significantly alter the sound. Take no notice as this is a non-issue. ESR comes into play at radio frequencies not audio. What the cap does in an XO is to set the frequency, it is capacitive reactance that is important and the formula for this does not take into consideration any resistance. Xc = 1/2 Pi fc
As you can see: There is no R in the equation. Linkwitz, Dickerson and D'appolito know what they are doing.
The above person also said go to Troels Graveson for info. I suggest you read up on XO design from the 3 gentlemen I mentioned who are true experts in the field. In fact Linkwitz is famous for his contribution to the well known Linkwitz-Riley XO. Graveson does not acknowledge inductor orientation which from experience makes a difference. Lots of top end speakers don't seem to bother because mounting them the correct way is awkward and therefore expensive to do properly. I have worked on some B &W speakers with coils all over the place.
To end off, unless the XO was incorrectly assembled, the guy who sold you the XO should refund you or endeavor to help with your problem. I wish you luck.
I agree with the suggestions to contact the supplier. If you were supplied a bag of parts he should provide after sales assistance. Measuring 1 ohm is wrong with a Tannoy. I suspect an error.
An XO rebuilt should immediately sound better than before if properly done and then will improve a little over time. Generally this involves not changing the circuit's component values, simply replacing the parts. I have upgraded many XOs from a variety of speakers and the results have always been great.
I can get as technical as you like but without before and after schematics it's guesswork.
erik squires warns against capacitor ESR (equivalent series resistance) and says it can significantly alter the sound. Take no notice as this is a non-issue. ESR comes into play at radio frequencies not audio. What the cap does in an XO is to set the frequency, it is capacitive reactance that is important and the formula for this does not take into consideration any resistance. Xc = 1/2 Pi fc
As you can see: There is no R in the equation. Linkwitz, Dickerson and D'appolito know what they are doing.
The above person also said go to Troels Graveson for info. I suggest you read up on XO design from the 3 gentlemen I mentioned who are true experts in the field. In fact Linkwitz is famous for his contribution to the well known Linkwitz-Riley XO. Graveson does not acknowledge inductor orientation which from experience makes a difference. Lots of top end speakers don't seem to bother because mounting them the correct way is awkward and therefore expensive to do properly. I have worked on some B &W speakers with coils all over the place.
To end off, unless the XO was incorrectly assembled, the guy who sold you the XO should refund you or endeavor to help with your problem. I wish you luck.