Problem with my Sony SCD-777ES

My Sony has developed a problem. It generally refuses to play SACDs, and when it will play them, it does so with a very audible mechanical clicking sound. A bit temperamental with redbook CDs as well.

Here in the SF Bay Area, Sony no longer has a repair depot that accepts customer drop-offs. I would need to ship the unit to them, which I would prefer to avoid if possible. To get counter service, I need to go to a Sony authorized service provider, but I wonder if any of these shops really know what they are doing with a unit like the 777.

Any thoughts?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
Looks like you've got the same problem as noted above. In my case, it finally started happening, but a simple cleaning of the mechanism (which I had done at the same time as some upgrades from Richard Kern) fixed the problem for me. Others have not been so lucky, some requiring replacement of the sled motor or other repairs involving the laser mechanism. Check the archives, there's a lot of threads about this problem, both here and at Audio Asylum.
Has Sony ever issued a statement regarding the serial numbers of the units affected, sort of like a re-call. I've had no problems with my SCD777ES at all and I've logged plenty of hours on it and love it. I'm running through a MicIntosh C2200 preamp and a McIntosh 2102 amp. The tubes really give the Sony a velvety feel, and I never use the filters I leave it on standard.
NOW I am having a problem with my scd 1. "No Disc" diplays on the lcd panel even when you just put in a disc. Sometimes it works and sometimes not! It takes along while for the player to read the disc if it does work and now there is a skipping specially on the sacd. When you skip a track to the next one, it does the same thing.It seems that this is an issue with this players. I guess mine would need to be shipped out to sony service center at this point.
Does anyone know which Sony service center has expertise in the repair of the SCD-1 / SCD-777ES series? I realize these units are outside of 10 yrs old but they are flagship products and at 55 lbs, full of outstanding electronic craftsmanship. I'm pleased with the sound, just want some reliability.

My prob is not the laser assembly, if it were that, my understanding is, I'd be out-of-luck. It appears to be an electronic component issue, so hoping it can be reliably repaired.

In other words...HELP!
Laredo TX seems to be the main repair facility. Go onto the SONY website and they will send you a mailing slip. I had my SCD-1 serviced about 2 years ago but it took 2 trips to Laredo before they addressed the issue (non-playing CDs). They also updated the software. Good luck, Randy