Problems with my Tri-Vista 300--Need some help

My new Tri-Vista integrated has worked beautifully for a month, but yesterday, for the first time, I discovered that no sound is coming through the right terminals into the speaker. I tried shifting speakers and cables around and found that it has to originate with the amp. The amp has two sets of binding posts, but in changing the speaker cables to either of them, I've still gotten no sound out of the right side. Could this be a problem with an internal fuse, and if so, and since I have no MF dealers here in Korea (I bought off the net), what might be my options in terms of getting the amp repaired? Any suggestions?
Sounds like it might have been damaged in shipment, or you were sold damaged goods. The source selector problem should be unrelated. For some reason they designed the TriVista so that the source selector spins each time you turn on the unit. Mine sometimes ends up back at the wrong source. A minor problem. Every TriVista has a spare set of tubes available from MF. You only have to give MF the serial number and you can purchase the second set of tubes. Don't know the cost.

Get the amp back from the shop, the guy doesn't know what he's talking about. There are only 4 tubes in the amp and I'd be willing to bet that he doesn't understand that the selector is suppose to run though the relays when it's turned on. I sent you info on where to send it, if you need that info again, just ask.

Bluebull, your little digs just belie your envy. Washline has a top notch piece of gear, stop trying to make him second quess his purchase. It's not helping matters.
Dear Washline,

Number one MF has plent of "tri-vistor" tubes. Number two the "tri-vistor" is a made up name for a tube that I believe is still in production or at least still available at many places. On the MF web sites one of the reviews that you can download has the noame of the tube printed. It is made by raytheon and costs about 20 bucks

Sorry,but you are a bit oversensitive regarding my contribution.Seems like you are a MF fan,nothing wrong with that,they make good stuff.
Now,concerning my "little digs" , as you call it.One months use before repairs are needed,is not acceptable,for any piece of equipment.This is an expensive amplifier.Sam Tellig is a big MF fan, go and read a is a fact."Belie your envy",no not really,very happy with my equipment.Not likely to ever go to MF as the local importers pricing is way to high and the back up/service is also not good.
So not trying to second guess Washlines purchase.Fact is it is still not working...and I really think he wants it fixed.

So,actually we are really batting for the same team....

Washline,I hope you get the amp fixed,soon.

Hope this clarifies matters.


I'm a fan of a lot of gear and very aware of Sam Tellig's affections. I'm also glad you're happy with your choices, sorry if I misunderstood a few of your comments. We both know this kind of thing can happen with any piece of gear, it shouldn't, but stuff happens. I think we'd both agree at this point that Washline needs to get the amp to an authorized service center before somebody screws it up further.

Best Regards,