Project Xtension 12 or VPI Classic 3

I am looking to get into vinyl and am a bit of a novice.
I have demo'd vinyl and loved the sound compared to digital.
I am considering 2 turntable / cartridge options at this time.
A Project 12 xtension with a Sumiko Celebration 2 Cartridge and a VPI Classic 3 with an Ortofon Cadenza Black Cartridge.
Is the VPI / Ortofon that much better?
I don't have the opportunity to demo that combination but have read great reviews.
Is it worth the addional cost?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I currently have Cremona M's, Conrad Johnson ET3 SE with Phono and Cary 500 MB Mono Blocks and my current source is a an Oppo 95
I had exension, and very familiar with vpi, also very familiar with the cartridges. INMHO Cadenza Black is better then Sumiko. Extension is very good tt, but classic 3 is better. Classic 3 + Benz Lp would be a killer deal in my opinion, but vpi+cadenza is also a good deal. Do not need to wonder why I choose vpi and ortofon, it is not about a better soundstage or silky highs, vpi&ortofon simply better.
"When someone says one is better than the other they need to also be able to say they have heard both in the same system."

I agree. That's an excellent point. Also, one other thing you really need to do is try the new TT setup (or at least the cart), with your preamp. Especially if you are considering a low output MC. You'll be asking a lot of the phono stage in your CJ.
VPI has a very active and friendly customer service. If you have a problem/question, they will make it right. They do everything in their power to please their customers. Classic 3 and Benz LP is a great combination (I have an LPS - even better). The Classic and Black is very good as well.
Thanks for the responses.

Will the Conrand Johnson ET3 SE be sufficient for the phono stage?

I am about to sent it back to CJ to have it installed.

Is there something else that you would recommend in the $2000 range for a phono pre?
Zd542 i heard both tt in same system, but sadly not in same time. At most 1 month distance between demos. System was ; yg anat professional speaker, ar ref 5(maybe se), ar ref 610, transperent ref cables(mm or mm2 not sure), ar ref 2 phono. Both tt had ortofon jubilee and benz lp cartridges. Inmho Vpi classic was better in every way, again imho benz had a better chemistry with vpi and ar phono. Also i used Extension, i cant say anything bad for the price/performance or building quality, but simply classic 3 is better. Of course i am doing this comparing with an assumption that extension has the project 12" tone arm. If you mount an ikeda 407 things may change, i do not know.