The opening of this post cracked me up, I’m picturing my wife in audio stores not looking at anything, just patiently waiting to leave. As for a cheap system sounding good, I think that’s very possible, my first system was cheap and I was in love with it - Marantz PM6003 and Monitor Audio Bronze BX2 bookshelf speakers. I used a Mac mini and just went headphone Jack out to RCA using iTunes and downloaded music. While some of the music was in WAV I didn’t have the software to play it native resolution so I’m sure it all came out mp3.
Why was this system so good, because it was my first system coming from computer speakers and I had no experience with anything higher end. If you start your journey listening to expensive equipment and get your ear to enjoy that sound, then buy something way less capable you’ll never be happy. If you start at the bottom though it will sound so much better than everything else and you’ll love it for that. Get off the forums and just enjoy that system, set it up as well as you can with some space around the speakers and just buy music. The day you’re genuinely ready to spend more, then go and listen to equipment AT THAT price range, this has been my experience and it’s been a great hobby to me.
I will say, the more expensive the equipment the more you expect from it, and this can lead to frustration if it’s not PERFECT. It takes more work and more money and can eventually lead to more reward, but not always. So, to close, enjoy your system, give your speakers some room, and stop listening to anything you can’t currently afford. When you can afford it, then begin searching, I appreciate this takes willpower…