PS Audio DAC II or Bryston: two great machines

I have decided that it's time to move up from my Rega DAC, and I am considering the above two machines. I know, I know, the solution is to listen to them myself and decide on my taste, but I don't have the option to do that. Both DACs have received rave reviews, though the retail price of the PS Audio is (was) almost twice that of the new Bryston BDA-2. The PS Audio II is now being replaced by the DirectStream, so there are many good deals on the discontinued II.

Anyone have any thoughts on how these compare? Both are described as being supremely musical. Can one argue that the PS Audio is twice as musical, given that it is (was) twice as expensive? :)

My amp is a Cary integrated. I have heard Bryston gear only once or twice in the past. To the extent that Bryston may have a house sound, my gut tells me that the Bryston DAC would not be a good match with Cary. In another thread, a person described the PS Audio as somewhat akin to the Cary 300B. On the one hand that is encouraging, on the other hand it may mean too much Cary.

Any thoughts? I'm also considering the new McIntosh D100. That looks sweet.
I'm extremely happy with the detail and musicality of my Bryston BPA-1/BDA-1 combo. Can't address compatibility question.
Neal, are you saying that you swapped the MkII for the DSD? If so, how do you like the DSD?
Just curious, but since you have a Cary integrated now, have you considered either of the new Cary DACs? They are very, very good.

***Cary dealer disclaimer***
I have CARY gear and I tried the BDA 1 & I liked it but the PS Audio MK I was better & the Mk II is quite a bit better. I did not try the BDA II because it was not available at the time but I don't think you can go wrong with either DAC. The PS Audio MKII as another participant said is being replaced & I have seen the MKII deeply discounted for new let alone used units. You will probably find the pricing very close for either the PS Audio or the Bryston.

No, I have not moved on from PWD MkII to the new DSD model. I rarely buy components when they first come out. I like to read the reviews and user comments, and let the manufacturer work out the kinks first.

Interested to hear if it is a real step up. Personally, I think DSD can be the next big thing as it is downloadable, as opposed to SACD which required disc purchases. They key will be price. There is no reason DSD downloads should not cost in single digits, given the absence of factories to press CD's, freight, storage, maintaining physical inventories, etc. If it is going to cost what HD Tracks for hi-res downloads, DSD will fail.
