PS Audio GCPH to loud . Where to go next?

As my system evolves I am realizing that the GCPH makes a lot of noise. It's not hum or anything like that just sort of a sizzle. My system is: almarro a205a ,Cambridge audio Dac magic, Cambridge audio 340c, pro-ject 2 xperience acryl with speed box mkii,Dynavector 17d3 cartridge and the PS Audio GCPH all soon to be feed into my new Tekton Lores.This is where the problem lies. The digital is dead silent when nothing is playing.I understand that I may not equal the silence of the digital but it should come a lot closer than the gcph does. So any suggestions. This will likely be a lateral move as far as price is concerned but I could stretch a little maybe up to the $1500 range.The new phono preamp would need to have enough gain to handle the 17d3
to be clear it is not really a sizzle more like a white or pink noise almost like static.The power cord is well connected.
The unit makes the noise when the phono interconnects are not connected so it's not the tonearm wiring,cartridge or motor noise.I don't have any dimmers in the house so likely it's not that.I have it plugged in to a PS Audio ultimate outlet. I did try to plug it directly into the wall see if that changes anything and no change.It has to be the unit I will cal PS audio and see what they think.
I spoke with the folks down at PS Audio and they seemed confident that is the orientation of the transformer.I am shipping it off tomorrow and will report back when it returns.Thanks for you help.
My ps gcph changes the quality of sound above the 2oclock level, which was also reported in the stereophile review. Is your rear panel gain setting at max? If not, try using the 66db level.
It was set to max and still had problems. The guy at PS Audio diagnosed the problem almost instantly when I explained the noise so I assume it is common for the transformer alignment to be disturbed.I can only assume that it happened in shipping. We all now how careful delivery people are with packages.