PS Audio Perfectwave transport still good?

I am currently enjoying my newly upgraded system with one of the components upgrade was my Perfectwave Dac Mk2 to a Directstream Dac which I am enjoying but I wonder if upgrading my transport would be worth the money as I have virtually upgraded everything else except my Hales T5 speakers. Would it be worth anywhere near $8800 CND to get the new PS Audio Memory transport. My 8 year old PWT transport functions flawlessly and I’m hesitant to get the Last transport from PS Audio as it had too many functionality issues.Would the current version PS Audio be That much better to warrant it’s inflated cost.

The original PWT still sounds excellent and has withstood the test of time, I don’t doubt that the latest PS Audio transport could be an improvement but to what extent? "Very much bettet" is it ? or maybe subtly better. 8800.00 CND seems a steep price for the latest model.

Some Audiogon members have posted that the Jay Audio CDT2 MK II is an improvement from their original PWT. Could very well be but no question that the original PWT was/is a terrific CD transport.
interesting too how the price of used PWT's seems to have doubled the past few years...
I wasn't aware of the of the used  PWT  price escalation .  It's definitely a top notch transport so I guess not too surprising. 
Sorry about the lack of audition for Canadiens.
I was not aware. So... don' worry 'bout it.