PS Audio Power Plant Premier Power Cables

hi all, i am using a ps audio ac-12 on my ppp. i am using verastarr grand illusion power cords on my power amps.

im also in the market for a couple more power cords.
im thinking i may try some silver cords.

before i start changing cables around, i was wondering if anyone has tried some other high end cables on the ppp and would like to share their thoughts on this.

I had a big improvement in upgrading the wall A/C duplex that goes to the PS Audio PPP with the Oyaide R-1 plug plus the Oyaide carbon fiber switchplate with aluminum mounting bracket.
I upgraded the power cable with a bmi cable and it was a big improvement, I would highly reccomend that you upgrade the cable, I also have my ppp on stillpoints and that is an upgrade on sound also. Just my 2 cents
Going from the PS Audio AC12 to the BMI Hammerhead MK5 is a staggering improvement. The AC12 sounds dull in comparison and the AC12 is no sloutch.
I upgraded the PC coming into my PPP and it made a huge difference. Homemade PC w/Oyaide Tunami cable and plugs. I use these on all my better gear. Harmonic Tech PC's otherwise.
I swapped out my $150 heavy gauge cable for an AC-12 and found there to be no improvement. Should I move further up the cable foodchain to get the results you guys appear to be getting? I have been a PC sketic until the AC-12 finally delivered, but between wall and PPP (soon to be P5) it did not work.