PS Audio PowerPlant 12 Review (AC Regenerator)

PS Audio PowerPlant 12 Review

This is interesting. The testing concludes that the filtering inside of the actual electronics device is what matters and that this PS Audio product actually adds its own noise. Some irony.  


Showing 7 responses by djones51

filtering inside of the actual electronics device is what matters

Of course, it doesn't matter how pretty the sine  incoming , what matters more is the electronic device filters outgoing so it doesn't pollute the circuit. 

Not one word, not one, in this “review” about what the “reviewer” actually heard

Nothing to hear it's 60hz AC power. 

(Unless of course, ASR wants to accept the standing offer from @ted_denney . Then maybe we can discuss ASR’s credibility.)

This is a joke, right? 

Not only did the author offer zero impressions of how plugging gear into the regenerator actually impacted the sound (get it now?)

What would his impression tell you? 

 This will give you information you can use to make an informed decision. 

Listening to anything connected to a power regenerator would tell you as much about  sound like drinking orange juice from a refrigerator connected to one would tell you about  taste.  Why would anyone think this thing can change the sound of an amplifier? The AC is converted to DC in the amp and the amps capacitors keep the voltage constant. 

Well, perhaps it’s not a very good analog. How about, ths thing could no more change the sound of an amplifier than change the resolution of your OLED TV. I agree the first and foremost pursuit is listening, I disagree that measurements take a back seat but are paramount in understanding the equipment I use to achieve this pursuit. It tells much more than some random flowery prose about lifted veils and darker blacks. What I don’t get is those hell bent on subjective opinions opineing how hearing with your ears is the summit while never really trusting their ears without using their eyes as well. Of course if you can’t really hear without sight ....


Edit: Yeah, it is supposed to new and improve my TV as well. 

This objectivist admits he has biases and under sighted testing would probably never hear a difference. Of course the claims made about the product under discussion would need certain test equipment to see if they held up as difference in SQ is not the only claim. Personally I don't care what anyone uses to decide on a purchase, measurements, listening,  pretty glowing tubes etc...  The fellow who performed the tests of the product actually did listen to it. He claimed no difference so now we can move the discussion to the next level. He's deaf, his stereo is junk, doesn't know what to listen for, yada..yada..yada