PS Audio PowerPlant P20 better than pure direct AC I get during the night?


my system sounds better during the night and it must be related to cleaner AC when factories and offices are closed.

So I'm planning to add a PP P20 to my system in order to standardise the SQ during the 24h. 

However I've a question for you : will a P20 (for my whole system, power amp included) provide a better SQ than the present night-time direct AC?

Thank you!
I own the CLS 709 LightSpeed.

I purchased from The Cable Company and got a discount.

They are made to order in Ohio.

The 709 has 2 power amp, 4 low power analog, and 2 digital isolated connections.  Also big surge protection.

Most are shipped to Asia.

Visit the website for info.
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Had a P10 thought it was good replaced with High Fidelity MC 6 Hemisphere. Then replaced that with the High Fidelity Pro Power conditioner never looked back

Can you elaborate on what improvements you found over the P10?  My issue is I have a million things to plug in in my system, and I find the P10 to seemingly do a nice job of providing clean power and also eliminating cross-feed of electrical noise.  I'm considering a second for my other dedicated line but I'm curious as to what might be a better solution, obviously, if there is an obvious one to folks who have had both.  
I love my P10. I bought the new P15 and it’s even better, as in you can notice an audible difference, than the P10. I moved my P10 to a second system.