PS audio PWD MK2 a real upgrade from MKI?

I own the MKI with the bridge and I am considering on sending the unit to PS audio for upgrade, it will be $900, so I decided to ask the audio community to see what is their experience with the upgrades, for me as a full time graduate student every move it has to be done wisely cause I don't have extra cash to be experimenting.
I will really appreciate your comments and personal experience in this journey, the reviews are excellent but I want to hear from this forum before any further move or desition.
King regards and Thank you once more.
I upgraded my PWD and have been quite happy with it. The upgrade was fairly simple and the sound is a little cleaner, more three dimensional, and relaxed. Not a huge improvement, but a definite upgrade. I got the upgrade at the "introductory" price of $800, but the most recent price was $1000. I say "was" since they have discontinued making the upgrade kits. Not sure if there are any left, but I would check with PS Audio before assuming you can get it done for $900 or any other price. There have been a few people selling their upgrade kits here and on eBay, but I would make sure you get the right one, there are two or three versions. One last thing, while not implicitly stated, Paul McGowan has inferred that a Mk III could be coming, but I would bet that's at least a year away. Good luck!
Digital upgrades are tricky right now given the pace of change. That said, upgrading my MK to the MKII was the best bang for the buck I've gotten since I went to a $5000 power conditioner. The MKII upgrade is worth every single dime.

I expect to stick with this unit for at least a couple of years because improving on it right now would mean doubling the list price of the unit to something like an EMM lab or dCS unit. The NativeX invention incorporates a digital lens that makes everything you run through the unit twice as musical as before. Reviewers say the upgrade takes the unit to another league. My ears agree.

I recommend springing for the Hifi Tuning Supreme fuses down the road if you get upgrade fever again. The new board takes just as long to burn in as the new unit be patient. Happy trails!

Let me know if you'd like to sell your Jena Labs jumpers. They would be synergistic with my Jena Labs speaker cables.


I am a big fan of HiFi Tunig Supreme fuses. What size does the PWD MkII use, where is the fuse and how does one access it? Some of these components are tricky to open.

Thanks and regards.
