PS Audio PWD MkII vs W4S DAC2

Has anyone done a comparo between these two DAC's. Love my W4S Dac2 but if the PWD MkII is a big step up, I might get the itch. Most interested in coax connection; less in USB.



I think you're right on target about the digital lens. I'm auditioning the newest Shunyata digital XLR that is bettering my Harmonic Tech Audio Only HDMI to the I2S...something I didn't think was possible. I also find eupsample measly Pandora feed over a coax sounds significantly better than it ever did before the MKII board.

Btw, I bought my original PWD from Wally...great guy!
6 months on with wider distribution of PWD MK II, any further comparos to share? I am very comfortable with W4S DAC2, especially since I connected it to Bryston BDP-1, but you know how it is . . . . As K D Laing sang, constant craving.

when you compare dacs, you have to ask what transports are being used with them.

a particular transport that works well with one dac may not match as well with another.

so you have to compare dac/transport combinations. even if someone has compared both dacs with a particular transport, the outcome may change if the transport changes.
I agree with Mr. Tennis. I hear people commit this error all the time.


Have you seen Cordesman's review of the MKII in TAS? You can download it at the PSAudio website for free.
Mr Tennis is spot on imho. I'd go one step further and specify/consider connection type and cabling. Sgr put it perfectly a few years ago when he said the pwd was " cameilian like"......or sensitive to its surroundings.

I found the pwd responded to even the slightest of tweaks/adjustments and changes. It's the first piece of gear I've owned where improved vibration control actually became audible and easy to detect. Connection type and wire are even more so.

You can make this dac sound any way you via supporting cast. The dac itself does/adds nothing to the recording (which could be bad for poor recordings). But for good recordings and hi res, I'm yet to hear a more musical dac.

Getting the pwd1 and not upgrading it to mk2 should be considered a crime =)

Yes....the mk2 sounds that good!