PSB Stratus Mini's

I may pick a pair of these up to pair with a Classe or Krell Integrated. Any impressions of the speakers?
I keep hearing about the Revel M20's, and in fact, I was in a position to purchase a pair here on the Gon back in the early winter. However, I was visiting a local audio store in January and I found a great deal on a pair of Stratus Mini's with stands instead. I have a feeling the Von Schweikert's are a little overrated anyway. As we all know, sound is subjective, and these Mini's are everything the critics have said about them. They are "moody" and some days they sound so good that I have trouble getting out the door. I am using some Acurus gear that I believe would take $2000 to replace...namely Bryston. I put together an outstanding system for $1500 that would have cost me $3500 if everything were brand new. I am happy for now.
Are you absolutely committed to monitor speakers? I had my system in a very small room for a while and tried a few different monitors including NHT SB-3, PSB Stratus Mini, Von Schweikert VR-1, Totem Model 1s and a few others but none of them did it for me. I finally ended up with a pair of Meadowlark Audio Kestrel Hot Rods. These speakers took up no more floor space than the monitors on stands but offered so much more to my ear. There are some very nice floorstand speakers with small footprints it is worth considering.
But if you are committed to monitors you should listen to Polk Audio LSi9 model. For the money new or used the LSi9 is a fantastic bargain. Don't let the pedestrian name fool you.

I haven't heard the VR-1, but two mini monitors under a grand id like to hear are the JMR Twins and Audio Note AX-Two. Ive also been hearing a lot about the Nola Mini's. It's really hard to say though considering i havent heard these speakers. As far as the silvers go i bet theyd sound pretty good based on the stratus minis sound, but i still have my doubts about the tweeter in the stratus series.

I have never even heard of those makes, but my audio interest is making me more familiar with equipment each day. I am putting my Stratus Mini's up for sale to move up the food chain, and I must say that they are quite an impressive speaker. The Bass is incredible, and they throw a good soundstage. I wish I could keep them.
Hello out there,

Does anyone know for sure if the PSB Stratus line is going to be re-introduced? I am hearing that they are going to launch a whole new Stratus line.