Psvane KT88 tubes in VAC amps

I've been using the Psvane CV-181's as power tubes in my VAC Phi 300 along with Kevin's stock KT88-SC's as supplied with the amp.
Does anyone have any experience with an all-Psvane line-up of tubes in VAC amps ? My preamp is the Shindo Giscours; speaker cables, the Purist Provectus into Wilson Sophia 3's.

Thanks, -
Dr. John,

I have been experimenting with Psvane 12AX7 in my Vac amp in position V01/02 and 4. With Psvane in pos 1&2, you will get a deeper soundstage, super black background and more transparency but will lose some bloom and a more forward soundstage that the stock 12AX7 provide.

The Psvane in pos V04 provides the best compromise with the bloom of the stock tubes but with more transparency, lower floor noise better placement of image with the soundstage...

Still debating the Psvane KT88 TII...
sorry for the delay in replying. Yes the CV-181's replace Kevin's stock maroon-based 6SN7's and blow them away-not cheap for tubes of their type, but worth every penny. Psvane now produces a TII version of the 88's with a gray coating and I've read with some credence that an all-Psvane complement creates an effect greater than the sum of its parts. Kevin's stock SC's are no slouch, but then we always want more, don't we ?


Thanks for your reply. I'm using the new Black Treasure KTZ made by Shuguang and have heard the Psvane T-II are better but with reliability issues...
I've tried Psvane T2's (KT88 and cv181z's) in my phi 200's and they were good, certainly better than the stock. I've played around with a number of combos - including and my favorite (so far) is GoldLion KT88's and NOS RCA 6SN7's (they have a gray color).

IMHO - the stock tubs are absolute rubbish.
i have been using the 181's by shuguang and think they are pretty good but my phi mono's 200 sound better with some of the old stock that i have acquired,i also agree that kevin does a great of tubes that he sells