purchasing a Scout/Scoutmaster: need input please

hello analogers,

this will the first time i purchase a hi end TT. i've owned a couple of technics 1200 mk2 over the years. i've never owned a "hi end" system beyond an $800 denon 5.1 receiver with a parasound digital processor which is about 8 yrs old now. my front speakers are jbl studio (also 8yrs old) 3 way with a 10" driver. my 1200 is connected straight into the denon phono input.

for years i've been wanting to upgrade my TT.
i've also been wanting to "properly" archive my vinyl collection to a digital format so i can travel with my music. remastered cd's never sound as good as the original vinyl pressing. they sound good but not the same dynamics and they sound different..period. i'm a recording engineer and i have professional quality A/D convertors and software so i have that part covered. i'm a big analog fan and in the studio, i still record to 24trk tape machines (i have 2 studers) and have a huge collection of vintage mics, eq/pre's and compressors (while all my peers have completely embraced digital multitracks like pro tools or logic). i've purposely kept my home system moderate because i'll sometimes test my mixes at home and i wanted a system that would be like an average home theater set up. so i'll probably keep the setup for movies but i'm going to upgrade the phono section and eventually a seperate amp. the jbl's are efficient enough and actually sound great in the room and have a nice flat response which i prefer.

i've been researching and thinking of getting either a VPI SCOUT or scoutmaster W/JMW 9 TONEARM and going for a P75 mkll to start.
-elusive disc sells a scout with the dynavector 20xH (1mv) for $2250.

-there's a scoutmaster for sale here on audiogon with the jmw-9 signature and a 20xl cart (250hrs) for $2150. cart needs to be installed.

-and at better records a scout with the Anti-Skate Option and the Aries Stainless Steel Clamp for $2850.

-are the scouts/masters too much TT for my current system? or would i hear a clear difference with the scout paired with the P75 into the receiver? i plan to upgrade the amp stage later on down the line.
-is 250hrs low mileage for a cart?
-how long do good carts last anyway?
-is it hard to install and setup a cart and tonearm? i can do the wiring easily but i'm a stickler for perfect calibration and i know i won't have the time or instruments to do it perfectly. i do enough critical tweaking at the studio and it would bug me that i haven't gotten it perfectly and i could spend days tweaking it. if my schedule was 9 to 5 i wouldn't think twice but i simply don't have the time. so i would tend to go for a pre-installed cart. i know eventually i'd have to replace the cart but i'll cross that bridge...
-i've read the dynavector is a good match with the jmw but a lot of it were the 10x5. anyone recommend the 20x with the scout or scoutmaster?

i would like to stay under $3k including the p75 unless someone can convince me to go the extra mile with a new scoutmaster or convince me that it's okay to go with the used scoutmaster and install the cart myself.

sorry for the long post but i thought it appropriate to go into details. oh yes i will spend some money on a good record cleaner...yikes, there's another $400 or so.
Looks like I gave some bum info on this thread. They say the mind is the first to go, or is it the eyesight? I forgot. I'm glad somebody set the record straight, (no pun intended).

Best to all,
Agypsy, I am the owner of the Scoutmaster you listed and I can tell you I would not be selling that table if I had not run across my dream table.
My wife told me not to buy my new TT because the system sounded great with the Scoutmaster
Now that you are going to set it up yourself I will suggest you get a Mint Protractor. That will get your cartridge perfect and you'll mainly only have to worry about setting the tracking and rake. It's not that hard and is well worth the effort. I'm sure many will chime in on the merits of a Mint.

There is one currently listed here on the 'Gon with a mint:

SM/Mint LP
Agypsy, I tried to edit my original post but another poster posted before i got it posted.
I asked some of the same questions before I bought the Scoutmaster. The answer I got then was that the Scoutmaster was a big upgrade over the Scout.I can assure you that the signature arm is no small upgrade either. Now obviously, I have a vested interest in which table you choose since I am the owner of the Scoutmaster you listed. The better table by far(the Scoutmaster) is $700 cheaper which IMO makes it a no brainer. There is nothing gained by speending $700 more for an inferior table, unless buying new is a necessity to you. However, a Scoutmaster and cartridge which has very few miles on it is a much better buy IMO. Now if a new SM and cart were $700 more, it may be a consideration. But I'd not pay $700 more for an inferior TT. But that's just me. I've bought new, used and demo and have not been disappointed with my purchases. But i did my homework and would urge you to do the same and make yourself comfortable with your decision.
This may seem like a shameless plug for my Scoutmaster. But I'd say the same about any SM which is in good shape. I'd urge you to do some research and read some reviews for yourself and make the decision which makes you happy.
